$ ^, g; S3 j0 E0 [6 ~. f9 R$ x; D9 j# u+ T/ L. z( v0 b
關於貓和弓形體病. e9 K: q4 G2 X5 k/ o9 }; F B
. {. U, o+ C4 l B% K我們說您是一個妊婦。或許您是甚而懷孕與您的第一個孩子。像任一個合理的父母, 您想要什麼是最佳為您的嬰孩, 甚而在子宮內。您看下來您的貓—可能您總考慮了您的第一個"嬰孩" 和隱晦地—召回討論您有與您的母親關於弓形體病的動物。某事關於貓和傳染和先天缺陷。流產。
! o+ _1 h9 W" k: W% L誰一個擔心的母親轉向?) P' r3 `- ]" _+ F% l
* p# W! N- h& J) r) \9 b3 }. C! C: ]' @
明顯的選擇, 當然, 是您的產科醫生和婦產科醫師。但若醫生沒有最新的資訊呢? 或喜歡不提供關於情況的一個觀點? 那在哪裡留下您? 並且它在哪裡留下您的貓? 太經常, 對後者二個問題的答復是這些: 它可能留下您沒有您的被信任的動物伴侶, 並且它可能留下貓在地方風雨棚。 I7 ]) `' H8 n& C. {
5 C* r& O I6 ?應付這個完全地能避免的情況, 美國的人道社會在全國範圍內最近與超過31,000 位產科醫生和婦產科醫師聯繫和假設他們與資訊小包幫助他們的患者瞭解關於弓形體病風險的事實。最後結果是這: 孕婦不需要放棄他們的貓。
& J$ Z; G) g- C3 m% Y$ }6 q$ ~ E, }" ]- y5 g/ Z# v
"它是令人心碎聽見, 婦女仍然給他們的貓為對收縮的弓形體病的恐懼," 說南希Peterson, 問題專家與HSUS 。"所以, 我們收集了最準確和最新資訊和送了它到國家的OB/GYNs 。"
/ M$ f7 C' i+ w
" d& q, Q4 S+ ]/ a/ H3 v小包包括幾個項目, 包括新HSUS 患者教育小冊子"您的嬰孩& 您的寵物," 並且臨床工作者指南"弓形體病: 一個實用指南為臨床工作者, "寫為HSUS 由Jeffrey D. Kravetz 博士耶魯大學醫學院。小包是HSUS 的寵物為 生活競選, 一系列的節目的一部分被設計授權寵物照料者解決威脅他們的關係與寵物的問題。
' Y* n& d! F- h* I! O1 @3 [ n- ?: l6 I p0 d i: O4 K( S. s0 @
帕特里克・Duff, 居住節目主持人博士產科學和婦科學的部門在佛羅里達大學, 寫作了說明附件對他的傢伙OB/GYNs 作為與資訊有關的小包一部分, 並且包括回歸明信片允許醫生請求50 個另外的' 您的嬰孩& 您的寵物' 小冊子為自由。自從第一小包被郵寄了於1月, 醫生比50,000 我們最初列印了已經請求更多小冊子。但更多是在途中, 筆記HSUS 的Peterson 。: x; A' i/ J$ K' N
9 J- i6 k% W7 s
清楚地, 消息出去: 弓形體病是一種罕見的疾病在美國, 但當它發生, 它不太可能由家庭貓傳送。雖然疾病導致的寄生生物被發現在咽下未加工的肉、鳥、老鼠或汙染的土壤貓的排匯物, 弓形體病是可能被傳送當婦女吃未加工或未煮熟的肉或進入聯絡以被這樣肉沾染了的表面—甚至當婦女進入聯絡與汙染的土壤。大約3,000 個新出生每年遭受先天缺陷在他們的母親獲取了傳染之後, 根據1999 研究參考在Kravetz 博士的指南。
. G) ^/ ~. t4 y0 u
" v; p5 }& W. U+ k"傳染與 弓形體病gondii 通常無症狀或導致良性, self-limited 傳染在immunocompetent 人民," Kravetz 博士寫在指南。"然而, 獲取弓形體病的一名孕婦能傳送傳染給她未來的孩子。這是導致恐懼在貓所有者之中的這傳染在子宮內當先天弓形體病傳染可能導致流產或一一些畸形出生時。9 y) t! r% N3 y$ m& Z
4 [7 v2 o, W8 c. a3 G1 H) c"許多孕婦," Kravetz 繼續, "將設法降低獲取弓形體病他們的風險由摒棄他們的貓。這導致不需要的重音在必須現在應付她似貓的家庭成員損失的一個妊婦。幸運地, 貓歸屬不一定增加獲取弓形體病風險。"
! ~% I" [2 t" t. T
5 a" i+ X$ J7 y; K3 }Duff 博士補充說, 它是極端不太可能的 一隻室內貓 將運載弓形體病。室外貓有輕微地更高的風險。疾病, 他說, 通常被發現在未煮過或未煮熟的肉裡。" R B1 G! _+ `6 |1 W o: b7 i
# w- C" U8 T( R8 U如此怎麼一個妊婦可以避免弓形體病? 這一些要訣:$ G* ~1 o0 H& {+ g
( h$ a7 H. O" r不要處理或不要吃未煮過或未煮熟的肉。
( w# ^' U) d: F5 e; t清洗切板、櫃臺、是與肉聯繫的板材, 和器物。
2 P) ]# E! ~' W, T9 s安全地保留您的貓戶內和從野生生物。
6 a' i+ {: M/ w& c有別人清洗垃圾箱日報。
$ B$ v R: s/ O. a/ q: M佩帶橡膠手套和隨後而來以一件詳盡的手洗滌物如果您必須清洗垃圾箱。至少每日挖出排匯物當您能, 並且, 因為需要一到五天使排匯物變得感染。 , ?3 \7 V7 @8 G5 u, [7 Y5 `
: q! K" R# X3 l( X' o/ X"我們知道那歡迎一個新嬰孩可能太經常意味說再見對' 第一個' 嬰孩, 家庭貓," 筆記HSUS 的Peterson 。"我們的小冊子, ' 您的嬰孩& 您的寵物, ' 被設計保持新嬰孩和寵物安全和健康。"
: s) U; x3 T' v$ @. ?; ^8 m, ?
6 p' p- R5 I- D; _8 O' r小冊子以及幫助家庭寵物為嬰兒的到來做準備和順應寵物包括關於方式的可貴的資訊避免弓形體病, 一旦嬰孩回家。更多要訣, 檢查在我們的 寵物之外生活競選。% q1 Q- s7 @: s9 Q+ C) x
+ G! o1 b' x+ [7 R/ `1 H
如果您期待一個嬰孩, 您也許聽說了弓形體病因為它可能導致嚴重的先天缺陷。獲取弓形體病在懷孕期間的婦女能傳送傳染給她未來的孩子。並且先天弓形體病傳染可能在子宮內導致流產或一一些畸形出生時。由於方式的當中一個成為傳染是通過聯絡與貓被傳染的排匯物, 許多孕婦設法降低獲取弓形體病他們的風險由給他們的貓或投入貓外面。 : B9 i7 w [" A3 v1 ^5 B
感激地, 您能容易地避免收縮弓形體病從貓排匯物 沒有 給您心愛的似貓的"嬰孩。" 貓獲取弓形體病從吃汙染的未加工的肉、鳥、老鼠, 或土壤。當貓是動物的唯一的種類流洒感染階段在他們的排匯物, 其它動物能傳播弓形體病如果他們的被傳染的肉被吃沒有適當烹調。$ k u4 `$ L/ j
& w- j' G& [6 a" |5 s3 h! o
幸運地, 貓歸屬不一定增加獲取弓形體病風險。貓演奏在疾病傳輸對 弓形體gondii (T. gondii) 並且角色的生命週期的理解可能緩和對收縮先天弓形體病的恐懼從您似貓的伴侶。貓應該繼續是源泉的喜悅和陪伴對他們的所有者在懷孕期間和跟隨孩子的誕生。 * U+ l2 H* |# D5 _3 V4 u
疾病傳輸/ J0 c' ]7 m! X/ m' B: C
% k" k' i) i5 d1 e3 CT. gondii 是可能傳染所有哺乳動物, 擔當中間主人的一個protozoan 有機體。一旦貓被感染弓形體病, 他典型地獲取免疫, 能很少只是reinfected 。如此, 通常, 它是只在對他 將排泄潛在地 感染oocysts 的T. gondii 的貓的第一暴露期間(再生產的微生物) 。另外, oocysts 立刻不是傳染性的, 需要一到五天的潛伏期。9 f U! O y5 Z# p) t. h* I
6 F7 O$ l& \ u! O1 ]
人能獲取弓形體病在三種方式的當中一個中。最共同地, 人們患疾病從未煮熟的肉的消耗量, 包含 T. gondii 在組織囊腫之內。承購一個較不共同的方法是通過傳染性oocysts 的直接攝取。終於, 疾病的transplacental 傳輸對一個未來的孩子也許發生當母親獲取主要傳染當懷孕。
1 n# o$ }+ G5 @* d* l* a! \* ^1 M _
3 L n+ P- G4 W1 O5 b1 \ b, I m1 @
由於它是難為貓傳送弓形體病直接地給他們的照料者, 一名孕婦一般不太可能患疾病從她的寵物貓。幾個因素保持這樣的傳輸的機會低。
$ e+ j, |1 p! y5 o6 [
. k! w8 k- N9 }首先, 唯一咽下組織囊腫的貓獲取傳染。在似貓的人口心頭, 這對尋找和吃嚙齒目動物的室外貓會被限制, 並且由他們的所有者哺養未加工的肉的貓。另外, 在貓首先暴露於 T. gondii 之後 他典型地排泄oocysts, 和他做如此只二個星期。一隻室外狩獵貓暴露於疾病作為小貓和經常是, 因此, 較不可能傳送傳染作為他變老。; V" ~: Y) E+ s7 V/ m% e2 b
- q m# v; o4 D. V8 r第二, 因為oocysts 變得傳染性在一到五天之後, 對疾病的暴露是不太可能的只要貓的垃圾箱每日被更換。5 j' y7 X- d+ [% R' U" }
7 q# {" W0 P2 m/ E終於, 因為oocysts 由攝取傳送, 為了收縮弓形體病, 婦女會必須聯繫聯絡與汙染的排匯物在垃圾箱和然後, 沒有洗她的手, 接觸她的嘴或否則傳達汙染的糞便問題給她的消化系統。8 n8 m5 S2 w+ B: f
2 @8 i! }$ ^& u+ z; J
減少弓形體病您的風險$ Z( i! m/ C. r9 Z
, x# x: N& G7 t
即使它是不太可能的婦女將收縮弓形體病從她的貓, 這是一個好想法犯錯在小心的邊。以下推薦將幫助貓所有者盼望孩子減少收縮弓形體病他們的風險。! m' l: h1 x5 a7 O/ q
0 B- e" V3 u: u$ }0 d
6 B# n; w! w& G' T# x T周到地洗滌所有未煮過的菜。
4 _' ]& J3 z* |- p3 A肯定洗滌也許以前與肉聯繫使用他們準備其它食物的所有切板和器物。9 y! P+ N5 d5 N% F8 f
佩帶手套當工作在土壤。如果手套不被佩帶, 手需要是被洗滌的周到地以下土壤聯絡。0 g; Z# S8 l7 X' }% `' L
要求配偶, 朋友, 或鄰居對幫助以垃圾箱責任當您懷孕。
1 G) b Y( U9 R7 h* h! ]如果您沒有幫助保持垃圾箱乾淨, 穿戴橡膠手套當改變廢棄物和之後周到地洗您的手。 F! v% z! l2 [6 Y& p
% l) P6 D1 A- z; l3 E. y: Y擺脫您似貓的伴侶不是一種必要的防備措施。貓歸屬有是不可計量的根據陪伴和愛的許多好處。當它是可能為貓傳送弓形體病, 您似貓的朋友風險通過疾病對您是降低, 特別是如果您遵照推薦上面。如此, 您的貓能安全地保留當家庭的一名被愛的成員當您等候您的新到來。& I/ U% Y* ^5 ~- V
/ a' y3 r r" j
/ X& [1 a- |7 Y' n) l( ALet's say you're an expectant mother. Perhaps you're even pregnant with your first child. Like any reasonable parent, you want what's best for your baby, even in utero. You look down at your cat—maybe the animal you've always considered your first "baby"—and vaguely recall a discussion you had with your mother about toxoplasmosis. Something about cats and infections and birth defects. Even miscarriages. # ^( W) G8 E% x6 E
Who does a worried mother turn to?
- J8 a- o7 J Y2 t7 b5 s2 ~2 D1 c
# S% m6 W2 l. f2 [* S' ]4 TThe obvious choice, of course, is your obstetrician and gynecologist. But what if the doctor doesn't have the latest information? Or prefers not to offer an opinion on the situation? Where does that leave you? And where does it leave your cat? Too often, the answers to the latter two questions are these: It can leave you without your trusted animal companion, and it can leave the cat at the local shelter.
2 U% F+ O; n8 Z$ w& N# T7 F% D& ?; u' C( c+ P: ?0 s
To deal with this completely avoidable situation, The Humane Society of the United States recently contacted more than 31,000 obstetricians and gynecologists nationwide and provided them with a packet of information to help their patients understand the facts about the risks of toxoplasmosis. The bottom-line is this: Pregnant women need not give up their cats. o. ^" {+ f8 t2 N3 f5 T
9 B2 O3 n1 { Y- D
"It is heartbreaking to hear that women are still giving up their cats for fear of contracting toxoplasmosis," says Nancy Peterson, Issues Specialist with The HSUS. "That's why, we gathered the most accurate and up-to-date information and sent it to the nation's OB/GYNs."; K1 R4 c" _, j i. e1 r
: o1 N7 z7 w: b; Q# T# B5 m+ t0 \3 F
The packet includes several items, including the new HSUS patient-education brochure "Your Baby & Your Pet," as well as the clinician guide "Toxoplasmosis: A Practical Guide for the Clinician," written for The HSUS by Dr. Jeffrey D. Kravetz of the Yale University School of Medicine. The packet is part of The HSUS's Pets for Life campaign, a series of programs designed to empower pet caregivers to solve the problems that threaten their relationships with pets.
4 s$ o3 s- D. F6 k% l8 ?+ N3 w3 H3 V2 I( ^
Dr. Patrick Duff, residency program director of the department of obstetrics and gynecology at the University of Florida, penned the cover letter to his fellow OB/GYNs as part of the informational packet, which also includes a return postcard to allow doctors to request 50 additional 'Your Baby & Your Pet' brochures for free. Since the first packets were mailed out in January, doctors have already requested more brochures than the 50,000 we originally printed. But more are on the way, notes The HSUS's Peterson.+ U4 a F. B! N5 ^ C5 K
1 \/ W* E b- z; VClearly, the message is getting out: Toxoplasmosis is a rare disease in the United States, but when it does occur, it's unlikely to be transmitted by the family cat. Although the disease-causing parasite is found in the feces of cats who ingest raw meat, birds, mice or contaminated soil, toxoplasmosis is more likely to be transmitted when women eat raw or undercooked meat or come into contact with surfaces that have been contaminated by such meats—or even when women come into contact with contaminated soil. Approximately 3,000 newborns per year suffer from birth defects after their mothers have acquired the infection, according to a 1999 study referenced in Dr. Kravetz's guide.
: F# p5 P8 O- Z5 Z4 O( z0 |2 L& Z m# S" G1 K) f
"Infection with toxoplasmosis gondii is usually asymptomatic or causes a benign, self-limited infection in immunocompetent people," Dr. Kravetz writes in the guide. "However, a pregnant woman who acquires toxoplasmosis can transmit the infection to her unborn child. It is this infection in utero which causes fear among cat owners as congenital toxoplasmosis infection can lead to miscarriage or an array of malformations at birth.; u) T0 h$ V' }9 M+ o
* N" c6 S6 ]; x! s/ j! ~"Many pregnant women," Kravetz continues, "will try to lower their risk of acquiring toxoplasmosis by abandoning their cats. This leads to unneeded stress on an expectant mother who must now cope with the loss of her feline family members. Fortunately, cat ownership does not necessarily increase the risk of acquiring toxoplasmosis."+ u9 ?) W2 a" _! \7 V2 F! X7 T8 B
" r; T1 K" a; n
Dr. Duff adds that it is extremely unlikely that an indoor cat will carry toxoplasmosis. Outdoor cats have a slightly higher risk. The disease, he says, is more commonly found in uncooked or undercooked meat.
0 N x# _' O0 P8 N' x$ }' s4 f' l, P- ]
So how can an expectant mother avoid toxoplasmosis? Here are some tips:% Q9 c" i9 C- f n8 c( r: [
; e9 \) x$ `; }1 `- ]: x1 `
Don't handle or eat uncooked or undercooked meat. ( p6 i8 ]7 q2 m4 |3 o1 m9 f" M* ?. O
Clean cutting boards, counters, plates, and utensils that have been in contact with meat.
- e2 O' o! E% yKeep your cat safely indoors and away from wildlife. . W; b. q8 \" v, t' M C O: Z- n0 c
Have someone else clean the litter box daily.
3 N+ A: k: C' C' r& j9 l4 L. Q1 fWear rubber gloves and follow with a thorough hand washing if you must clean the litter box. Scoop feces as soon as you can, and at least daily, since it takes one to five days for feces to become infectious.
6 P' h8 P. L- M& i: ~2 KFeed cats only commercially prepared cat food.
7 X7 u. K J. H/ G"We know that welcoming a new baby can too often mean saying goodbye to a 'first' baby, the family cat," notes The HSUS's Peterson. "Our brochure, 'Your Baby & Your Pet,' is designed to keep new babies and pets safe and healthy."+ C! s% Q2 w" }
# x! b# Y8 Q! `5 f- F; _
The brochure includes valuable information about ways to avoid toxoplasmosis, as well as help families prepare pets for the infant's arrival and acclimate pets once the baby comes home. For more tips, check out our Pets for Life campaign.+ u/ C" U$ E' k' Y: H$ u
" P" H* e" D1 ^& r1 N% \. F' p
. C8 G' o6 y6 `4 h$ e+ L# F
If you're expecting a baby, you may have heard of toxoplasmosis because it can cause serious birth defects. A woman who acquires toxoplasmosis during pregnancy can transmit the infection to her unborn child. And a congenital toxoplasmosis infection in utero can lead to miscarriage or an array of malformations at birth. Because one of the ways to become infected is through contact with the infected feces of cats, many pregnant women try to lower their risk of acquiring toxoplasmosis by giving their cat away or putting the cat outside. 5 p6 S S& _2 T$ @4 D3 d+ `
Thankfully, you can easily avoid contracting toxoplasmosis from cat feces without giving up your beloved feline "baby." Cats acquire toxoplasmosis from eating contaminated raw meat, birds, mice, or soil. While cats are the only species of animal to shed the infectious stage in their feces, other animals can disseminate toxoplasmosis if their infected meat is eaten without proper cooking.
6 ?+ e3 c& Q0 c+ d1 y! e+ x D3 \6 U/ S* b: n
Fortunately, cat ownership does not necessarily increase the risk of acquiring toxoplasmosis. An understanding of the life cycle of Toxoplasma gondii (T. gondii) and the role that cats play in disease transmission can allay fears of contracting congenital toxoplasmosis from your feline companion. Cats should continue to be sources of joy and companionship to their owners during pregnancy and following the birth of a child. " B+ a. f% M6 D
Disease Transmission
( }- @* E( L4 Q+ W) j8 \0 ^3 j& {- {2 b4 D7 C7 ^, e5 T
T. gondii is a protozoan organism that can infect all mammals, who serve as intermediate hosts. Once a cat has been infected with toxoplasmosis, he typically acquires immunity and can only rarely be reinfected. So, normally, it is only during a cat's first exposure to T. gondii that he will excrete potentially infectious oocysts (reproducing microorganisms). In addition, oocysts are not immediately infective, requiring an incubation period of one to five days.
6 _# u6 W9 ^* K& O/ |9 O0 F) K3 f; j( b9 h4 z
Humans can acquire toxoplasmosis in one of three ways. Most commonly, people contract the disease from the consumption of undercooked meat, which contains T. gondii within tissue cysts. A less common method of acquisition is through direct ingestion of infective oocysts. Finally, transplacental transmission of the disease to an unborn child may occur when the mother acquires a primary infection while pregnant.
2 N$ v, x$ R1 g* D2 L7 Q- c' `+ r# z5 x/ ?5 ?
Likelihood of Contracting Toxoplasmosis
( i/ L8 F8 m! ~- y+ E! M' [" E$ k! \! y# p8 F. s# H
Because it's difficult for cats to transmit toxoplasmosis directly to their caregivers, a pregnant woman is generally unlikely to contract the disease from her pet cat. Several factors keep the chance of such transmission low.
& b, a$ i; q6 c2 u+ U ^: h
1 Z. C) _# J+ T/ @* ZFirst of all, only cats who ingest tissue cysts acquire infection. Within the feline population, this would be limited to outdoor cats who hunt and eat rodents, as well as cats who are fed raw meat by their owners. In addition, only after a cat is first exposed to T. gondii does he typically excrete oocysts, and he does so for only two weeks. An outdoor hunting cat is often exposed to the disease as a kitten and is, therefore, less likely to transmit the infection as he ages., _3 i3 U! I% T
1 w R# ^8 a }6 d4 e" DSecondly, because oocysts become infective only after one to five days, exposure to the disease is unlikely as long as the cat's litter box is changed daily.
6 m/ h/ Q: v3 C9 M+ g! H9 g, I
! Y* q+ b8 g: PFinally, since oocysts are transmitted by ingestion, in order to contract toxoplasmosis, a woman would have to make contact with contaminated feces in the litter box and then, without washing her hands, touch her mouth or otherwise transmit the contaminated fecal matter to her digestive system.0 }' i8 ^, Q; u8 T, H9 d
8 f" J" b# v& ~% ~( D5 h/ \' j5 f
Reducing Your Risk of Toxoplasmosis
& ? |# i' H$ r4 a! n- G, ]* Z' z2 |! V8 [: S! I* @( t4 {
Even though it is unlikely that a woman will contract toxoplasmosis from her cat, it's a good idea to err on the side of caution. The following recommendations will help cat owners expecting a child to reduce their risk of contracting toxoplasmosis.
7 O9 ?4 p% ~0 d$ A& l# y/ t" f$ k8 |
Avoid undercooked meat.! @6 f- ?3 S$ S4 l" |
Wash all uncooked vegetables thoroughly.
" j3 l0 c: N. d8 o$ ^Be certain to wash all cutting boards and utensils that may have come in contact with meat before using them to prepare other foods.
( G8 Q; R4 j( q$ X; C) r# |0 k; P7 l4 [! p2 hWear gloves when working in soil. If gloves are not worn, hands need to be washed thoroughly following soil contact.
1 e) P4 _# u A& D7 H. Q* b" F% G- [1 nAsk a spouse, friend, or neighbor to help out with litter box duties while you're pregnant.
: T7 M; ?' Y% HIf you don't have help to keep the litter box clean, wear rubber gloves when changing the litter and thoroughly wash your hands afterwards.
. Y/ N( v2 E7 q cChange your cat's litter on a daily basis.
w1 E8 h4 o* |+ T6 g& \Getting rid of your feline companion is NOT a necessary precaution. Cat ownership has many benefits that are immeasurable in terms of companionship and love. While it is possible for cats to transmit toxoplasmosis, the risk of your feline friend passing the disease to you is low, especially if you follow the recommendations above. So, your cat can safely remain as a loved member of the family as you await your new arrival.4 L8 i( }7 A3 J( e2 A: t$ ?# C
| # R8 N9 F* u7 U4 f0 z
% V: x" X7 e* a3 L1 e" R. I